As an alternative the team is now offering an exclusive digital shipyard tour, on which your host will take you along the various inhouse places of interest on both locations. An attractive and more time-efficient solution for existing clients (who are interested in re-familiarising themselves) and new clients (keen to “experience” before committing to start a new project), alike.
…the facilities where Royal Huisman thoroughbreds are birthed, and to explore where Huisfit caters to the existing superyacht fleet.

Your host will take you along the various places of interest on both locations: well-organised, efficient and clean
Be prepared for an interesting “walk” – it’s quite a shipyard. Two locations – Vollenhove and Amsterdam – with purpose-built facilities spread over an area of respectively 30,000 m2 / 322.900 ft2 and 12,000 m2 / 129.200 ft2.
Enjoy a tailor-made private digital viewing: your host can show you either all, or specific aspects, to provide a condensed overview, or to explore all facilities in great detail.

Your exclusive, virtual shipyard tour
For clients, captains and their representatives: as always, we would be delighted to discuss your requirements for future projects. Please contact the team at Royal Huisman to schedule your private, virtual tour via
“An exclusive, virtual shipyard tour” was first published in a previous edition of “inhuis”
Top photo: 1884: Jan Huisman founds the yard to build small wooden vessels for local fishermen – Below: 1989: the living legend J-Class yacht Endeavour in Vollenhove
A tradition of excellence
Reputations are not built overnight. And they are certainly not built by cutting corners. Established in 1884, Royal Huisman has formed its reputation by constantly emphasising quality and investment in facilities. This mantra of “quality first”, together with a powerful commitment to personal service and innovation, has underpinned the shipyard’s longterm success. During a passage through hard times as well as good, the yard transformed from modest builder of wooden workboats to multiple awardwinning creator of some of the finest superyachts in the world today. Learn more by following the links on this website to DISCOVER > OUR HERITAGE [click here for a link]
Unique and flexible
The “invisible assets” of Royal Huisman are the expertise and experience of its team, which consists of nearly 300 people with different skills, languages and nationalities, all sharing the same passion for perfection and innovation. Each employee is proud to work at the shipyard, creating some of the finest superyachts on the oceans. Learn more by following the links on this website to NEWS > INHUIS STORIES AND NEWS [click here for a link]